Developing in-demand multivitamin gummies

Find out how we helped our client meet demand for alternative supplement formats by developing a great tasting, easy to chew, vegetarian gummy.


With more consumers opting for chewable gummies rather than traditional capsules or tablets, our client was keen to offer its vitamin and mineral supplement in this increasingly popular format.


The new formulation needed to balance target nutritional content with great taste and texture, plus lean into natural and vegetarian platforms.

Our approach


RSSL’s technical team addressed each element of this complex brief as part of a multi-disciplinary response.

We first need to fully understand the manufacturing conditions for the final product. Gathering information on key factors, such as the heat process, optimum temperature and moulding capabilities, meant the team could confidently create a process that would easily transfer to the co-manufacturing facility. 

Ensuring the active ingredients remained present at desired and declared levels throughout processing was essential. To do this, we identified the most appropriate forms of the specified vitamins and minerals, then added overages to counter any potential loss of potency during production. Experts from our functional ingredient team then tested the formulation concepts for stability and dosage using the most appropriate analytical methods.


At the same time, we paid close attention to maximising product appeal by using natural flavours, colours and sweeteners to create an enjoyable eating experience. Working with the client’s preference for citrus or dark fruits, our team evaluated different flavours and acids within the base formulation to see which delivered the best taste profile. This highlighted a slightly unpleasant taste from some of the B vitamins, which we successfully addressed by using a combination of masking agents and different acid levels.

The outcome


Our client was delighted with the final formulation, meaning the product could then move to scale-up trials at the co-manufacturer’s site. We provided technical support to ensure a smooth transfer and carried out shelf-life trials on the manufactured product which not only validated the vitamin and mineral label declaration, but also confirmed that that no other unacceptable changes had taken placed that would affect the quality of this squishy, fruity, chewable multi-vitamin gummy.


Your ideal partner for dietary supplement development


Our experienced team have lent their expertise in developing and improving products loved by consumers across the world. Our combination of analytical excellence and creative spark makes us the partner of choice for many developers and manufacturers. Find out more about how our talented and knowledgeable team can make your supplement product a success.

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