Speed is the key: Water flow and microbial control


3rd January


When does fluid mechanics meet microbiology? An important fusion is with understanding water systems and contamination control.


One of the important design considerations for pharmaceutical and healthcare facility water systems is the velocity of the water flowing through pipework. Specifying the flow is an important contamination control measure, contributing to the avoidance of microorganisms adhering to the pipework and a biofilm community.


Ironically, if a biofilm community forms, the development of extracellular polymeric substances reduce the effect of shear forces and enhance the microbial connection and adhesion, leading to biofilms becoming harder to remove 1.

The Reynolds number


The expression of the required velocity is the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is a multi-industry standard to measure the flow of fluids in a pipeline. In terms of definition, the Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces exerted on a fluid that is in relative motion to a surface. As to why this ratio matters:


  • Inertial forces generate fluid friction which is a factor in developing turbulent flow
  • Viscous forces counteract this effect and progressively inhibit turbulence

Hence, depending on the outcome, the water flow is either laminar (where the water flows in a smooth, relatively orderly manner with all the particles flowing in the same direction) or turbulent (where the water moves in a disorderly fashion - chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities).


The origin of the Reynolds number dates to 1883 when the Irish scientist Osborne Reynolds developed a number that predicts fluid flow based on the balance of static and dynamic properties including the velocity, density, dynamic viscosity (the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow) and characteristics of a given fluid 2.


Unlike the maintenance of the highest standards of cleanroom air (EU GMP Grade A), the objective of a pharmaceutical water system is for the water to flow in a turbulent manner since this is optimal for guarding against microbial adhesion. For non-microbial control applications, many engineers will be keen on laminar flow since it causes less wear and attrition to the pipes or open channel walls. This helps to improve the performance of pumps and requires less energy.



Calculating the Reynolds number


To verify the Reynolds number, data input and an equation are required. The output is a dimensionless (adimensional) value (with ‘Reynolds’ typically abbreviated to ‘Re’). The Reynolds number formula is:


Re = VDρ/μ 




Re = VD/v




  • V is the fluid velocity (user calculated)
  • D is the characteristic distance (user calculated)
  • ρ is the fluid density (user calculated)
  • ν is the kinematic viscosity (acquired from data tables)
  • μ is the dynamic viscosity (acquired from data tables)


For a pipe, the characteristic length is the hydraulic diameter. This is calculated from:


L = dh




dh = hydraulic diameter (metres)


The Reynolds number for the flow in a duct or pipe with the hydraulic diameter can be expressed as:


Re = ρ u dh / μ = u dh / ν        




dh = hydraulic diameter (metres)


Alternatively, online calculators are available.




Transitional state


Given our two possible outcomes are laminar or turbulent flow, there will be a difference in the balance of forces and a cutoff point (in terms of the expressed Reynolds number) that signifies either ‘laminar’ or ‘turbulent’.


  • Laminar flow: This outcome occurs when viscous forces are dominant. The Reynolds number for laminar flow is typically Re < 2100
  • Turbulent flow: This outcome occurs when inertial forces are dominant. Turbulent flow definition is typically Re > 4000


This leaves an ‘absolute value’, the space between a Reynolds number of more than 2100 and a Reynolds number of less than 4000. What is occurring here? The answer is a state of uncertainty or rather fluctuating states. This state is described as intermittent or transitional flow, where the flow will change from laminar to turbulent and then back again 3.

This state poses a greater contamination risk than laminar flow as the increased fluid flow (towards or parallel to a substratum surface) results in faster adhesion of microorganisms due to higher mass transport. This is despite the presence of higher fluid shear stresses stimulating detachment. 


Yet when fluid flow exceeds a critical limit, the resulting wall shear stresses may become high enough to prevent adhesion, which is what is occurring under higher Reynolds numbers (>4000) 4. Once a true and consistent turbulent flow is achieved, it will remove significantly more bacterial cells than laminar flow 5.






The extent to which flowing water transitions from laminar to turbulent depends on the different factors expressed in the above equations, such as the shape and dimensions of the pipework 6.


Another important consideration is the material used for the pipework and its relative smoothness (which connects with the importance of correct material specifications). PVC, for example, has a low degree of roughness. The friction on a pipe surface relates to its roughness - if a pipe surface is too ‘rough’ the flow will be affected (the greater the friction, the lower the Reynolds number according to a logarithmic scale).


Account must also be taken of the water temperature when considering the calculations needed for the Reynolds number, since water viscosity varies with temperature. For example, the kinematic viscosity of water at 20oC 1.004·10-6 m2/s whereas, at 0oC it is 1.787·10-6 m2/s and at 100oC it is 0.29·10-6 m2/s.






For those interested in microbial control of pharmaceutical water systems, it is important to specify and to periodically verify Reynolds numbers of > 4000 6.




1.    Jiangfan Chang, Xiaoyan He, Xiuqin Bai, Chengqing Yuan, The impact of hydrodynamic shear force on adhesion morphology and biofilm conformation of Bacillus sp., Ocean Engineering, 2020; 197:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106860

2.    Reynolds, Osborne. “An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and of the law of resistance in parallel channels”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 174 (0), 1883, P. 935–982

3.    Mack L. M. 1984. "Boundary-layer linear stability theory". AGARD Rep. No. 709

4.    Bakker DP, van der Plaats A, Verkerke GJ, Busscher HJ, van der Mei HC 2003. Comparison of Velocity Profiles for Different Flow Chamber Designs Used in Studies of Microbial Adhesion to Surfaces. Appl Environ Microbiol 69: https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.69.10.6280-6287.2003

5.    Fink, R., Oder, M., Rangus, D., Raspor, P., & Bohinc, K. (2015). Microbial adhesion capacity. Influence of shear and temperature stress. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 25(6), 656–669. https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2015.1007840

6.    Sandle, T. Go with the flow: Why the Reynolds number is important for microbial control, LinkedIn Newsletter, July 2023: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/go-flow-why-reynolds-number-important-microbial-dr-tim/ 


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