Is it novel or not? The data needed to decide this and how to get it

This webinar will discuss the requirements that need to be met for a material to be considered a novel ingredient within the EU market.



Bringing a new innovative ingredient to the EU market can be a complex, costly process and often requires careful navigation from a regulatory and scientific perspective to ensure the right approach is taken.


This webinar will take you through the top level regulatory process, providing overviews of the steps involved in determining if your material is going to be considered a novel food or simply an extension to a current authorisation, the regulatory landscape, right through to what is required for a novel food application will be covered.

Get free access to this on demand webinar

About the Speakers


David Neville has over 30 years experience in analysis of carbohydrates and proteins in the biomedical and food industries. David is an expert on method development and validation for these in biological, food and pharma matrices.



Nigel Baldwin has over 20 years experience in global regulatory plans and submissions. Nigel is widely regarded as an industry authority and is best known for his work on novel food ingredient approvals, food additives and enzymes.


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