Manufacturing vegan food and drink products - expert insights

RSSL's Barbara Hirst and Christina Holt take an in-depth look at vegan product manufacturing.



In this webinar we discuss the considerations around vegan manufacturing, the guidance surrounding vegan claims and possible supply chain challenges.

Topic areas we cover include:
  • The regulation, or lack of, guidance around and differences in what is meant or interpreted by the terms ‘vegan’, ‘vegan friendly’, ‘plant based’ etc.
  • The risks to allergic consumers of assuming a product with a vegan claim is safe for them
  • The challenge of the supply chain in ensuring that non-vegan contaminants are not introduced unintentionally, particularly during the era of COVID-19
  • Vegan production management
  • Product and ingredient testing, claim verification and cleaning validation for vegan products

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About the Speakers


Barbara Hirst is widely recognised as an expert in allergen management. With an extensive analytical background, she uses her 20+ years' experience of working with food manufacturers to give advice on how to plan and carry out cleaning validation studies.



Christina Holt's main focus at RSSL is the development and validation of DNA and protein based analytical techniques. During her time at RSSL, Christina has gathered extensive knowledge of analytical techniques used for the detection of allergen contaminants and vegan based contaminants.