Nina Dosanjh Qualified Person Journey

As she prepares for her QP viva Nina reflects on the training she has received so far from RSSL, the most valuable part of the process and gives advice for anyone wanting to start their own QP journey




What made you decide to become a QP?

Having worked often worked alongside QPs in technical/lab-based roles, I wanted to better understand their decision-making process; particularly as I didn’t always agree. So I saw it as an opportunity to deepen my knowledge and give me this broader perspective, but also to influence those outside the quality arena.

Why did you choose to do your training with RSSL rather than another provider?

In a nutshell – costs. As one of three employees starting QP training at around the same time, there simply wasn’t enough in the budget to send me on the course the other two trainee QPs had already signed up for.


On reflection, however, the fact that RSSL covers each module in just two or three days worked much better for me; not only in terms of a less intensive training style, but also justifying and managing my time away from the office. Interestingly, two trainees have since gone on to join the RSSL QP training course.



How would you describe your training experience with RSSL so far?

On the whole, I would say it has been really good. In fact, I was quite sad to finish the last module as I’ve enjoyed the learning process. RSSL creates a structured learning environment which is highly informative, without being too heavy going. And I’m already seeing the benefits of the course in my day-to-day work.


Getting out of the office and meeting people from different organisations has also been fantastic; I’m in-touch with many of them on a regular basis and they are now an important part of my network.


On a more practical note, when I needed to reschedule some of the modules - often at the last minute, due to work commitments - RSSL was very flexible and there was never any question of a financial penalty; I was simply allowed to re-book at a later date.



What have you found to be the most valuable aspect of RSSL's training course?

For me, it’s the fact that RSSL tutors provide a solid foundation but don’t give you everything you need; there is an expectation of a certain level of independent learning. It’s a teaching style that may not suit everyone but I found it an extremely effective way of consolidating what I had learnt on the course. It means students are pointed in the right direction, but then it’s up to the individual to seek out the relevant information.



What has been your biggest challenge during the process so far?

Time. Achieving the balance between work, study and everything in between has proved a challenge. The nature of this qualification means that you can’t afford not to study and need to be highly disciplined.




What advice would you give to anyone wishing to take part in the RSSL QP programme?

Thoroughly research QP training before you commit to a course. You will also be working full time, so being able to manage the pressures of your job responsibilities at the same time is essential.


Once you start the course, don’t forget to spend time going through your notes at the end of every module. Make sure they make sense and edit the content while the information is still fresh in your mind – you’ll be very glad you did when it comes to revision.


Plan ahead for your VIVA application form. It’s difficult and time consuming, but you can ease the process by completing the relevant sections as you go along, rather than leaving it to the end of the course.


Build a network for support. I set up two study groups - one made up of external contacts I met at RSSL, the other internal QP and QA professionals – and found that people are generally happy to help and be involved.


Be organised, don’t panic and don’t be pressurised into putting in for your VIVA too soon – especially if you’re not ready.


Take the next step to becoming a QP


Join our upcoming webinar, 'To QP or not to QP?' designed for aspiring QPs like you. Get a glimpse into a rewarding career, what it takes to succeed and your potential to impact the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

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