Dog's for good - Ajax's Journey

Follow Ajax as he embarks on his adventure from an adorable puppy to amazing support animal!

11th December: Ajax needs a new home!


Unfortunately, Ajax has been diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia, which has led to the difficult decision to withdraw him from the training programme to become a support dog.


Now, Dogs for Good are looking for a loving family home where Ajax can take things at his own pace and get all the care and cuddles he deserves!

They are currently in discussions with his boarder, as well as a few other families, who may be interested in rehoming him. If you or someone you know may be interested in giving Ajax a forever home, please reach out to the marketing team.


We’ll provide more updates on Ajax in early 2024.

30th August: Ajax gets physiotherapy!

As you can see, Ajax has grown into a very handsome young dog!


Unfortunately, he is a little stiff at the moment and is currently undergoing physio on both his back legs. The vet believes the issue is with his cruciate ligaments and is likely a growth problem rather than injury related.

Despite this tricky time, Ajax has remained chirpy and has been doing his exercises without complaint. He's also been enjoying lots of extra cuddles!


Keep a look out for future developments as we keep you updated with how he’s getting on.

10th May: Ajax goes shopping!

Ajax At The Shops Ajax In The Water Ajax In The Sun

Ajax has matured over the last couple of months and is becoming used to being in a whole host of different situation. We heard from John and Ann for a mini update on how his year is going so far.


"Ajax is doing well in most of the tasks he is asked to perform but above all else he loves shopping and meeting people.  We do our weekly shop at Tesco's where he meets regular customers and the staff all come to say hello.


"He likes to please and although he is not encouraged to he will pick items up and bring them to us; he is a Retriever after all!


"The photos of Ajax in the water were taken at Sywell country park last Sunday; he really is a very good swimmer and always thinks that he can catch the ducks, which of course he can't!


"Last week we met up with Michelle, our coordinator, at Rushden Lakes shopping complex.  Michelle had another Dogs for Good dog, Eric, with her and we visited a few shops before finishing up in a cafe/bar, where both dogs settled nicely under the table.


"We think Ajax is calming down now and isn't quite such a live wire which is good news as he will soon be going in for the next stage of his training!"

15th August: Ajax comes to visit!

Thomas Pets Ajax Ajax With The Team Ajax Looking Smart!

Everyone at RSSL was thrilled to meet Ajax during our networking day in June. A true guest of honour, Ajax quickly made friends and was happy to pose for photos despite the hot and sticky weather.


We are grateful to Ajax’s puppy socialisers, John and Ann, for making the trip and we enjoyed hearing about how he is getting on. It seems he has become a bit of a foodie, willing to go the extra mile for a treat! He also remains keen on making lots of friends - whether he meets them during walks, in the supermarket or at the doctors’ surgery! More often than not, people are happy to give him some attention, which really makes his day!

After visiting us in Reading, Ajax spent his summer meeting his coordinator, training and enjoying runs in a local park with his litter brother and sister.


We are looking forward to watching Ajax grow and learn, eventually becoming a wonderful companion and helping to transform someone’s life for the better.

24th June: Ajax is nine months old!

Nine Month Ajax 1 Nine Month Ajax 2 Nine Month Ajax 3

Young Ajax has been working hard on his training with puppy socialisers John and Ann, mastering basic commands and discipline. From the age of six months, this training shifted and the skills that he’d learnt at home and during his online puppy classes were transferred to real-life situations.

This is a vital step in his training to ensure that he is able to cope with everyday challenges, whether it be returning when he is called or being able to settle in busy places such as cafes and restaurants.


Ajax’s character has really started to shine through with a cheeky, mischievous streak starting to surface! For example, during a recent train journey, Ajax noticed that a sleeping passenger sitting opposite had removed their shoes and socks. In a flash, Ajax started cleaning this person’s feet – surely a unique way to be woken up! Luckily, the passenger saw the funny side and was quick to make friends with our lovable pooch.


On another occasion, Ajax was very intrigued by a mobile Covid vaccination tent and couldn’t resist making his way in to see what was going on. Surprised patients welcomed the furry gate crasher and a nurse even asked him if he wanted to join the queue for a jab! He wasn’t keen - but he did enjoy all the attention from the patients!

Ajax is now busy preparing for his next trip – he is heading to Norfolk and it will be the first time he sees the sea. With a strong love of water, this could be an interesting experience!

11th February: Ajax enjoys new experiences!

Artboard 21 Artboard 22 Artboard 24

Ajax is five months old! During the first six months his socialisers, John and Ann, have made sure that Ajax has a consistent routine. This routine will help him to develop in areas such as house training, learning to be left alone, and basic obedience. John and Ann will spend time socialising Ajax around lots of people and animals, and together they will visit as many different places as possible.


We caught up with John and Ann for an update how he is getting on


“Ajax is now almost 24 weeks old and seems to be growing so fast every day. We have been taking him out and about and are giving him a few different experiences such as a short bus ride which he was quite taken with and, of course he continues to go shopping with us.


“We are encouraging Ajax to get in other people's cars when possible so that he is comfortable getting into, and travelling in, different vehicles. Ajax is coming on well; he knows his commands, walks well on the lead and is very happy winding up our other dog, Jackson.


“His training is going fine and he now understands most of his commands and this is where our other dog has played his part; on being given commands Ajax watches Jackson and does what he does.


“Ajax is a loving pup but, at only 5 months old, he still has to be closely supervised as he has a tendency to pick items up when he thinks you’re not watching - I recently had to replace a pair of reading glasses that he’d come across. However, his big craving is food and finding ways to obtain it. We recently had a plate of four jam tarts reduced to two after which he adopted a low profile and tried to keep out of sight!


“Despite this we have no doubt that Ajax is a loving pup who we think will continue to grow into a wonderful dog.”


As you can see Ajax has had a wonderful start to his training and despite a few missing Jam tarts he continues to impress his two socialisers! Ajax still has a long way to go before he can start helping people so check back in another 4 or 5 months to see what lies in store for this special little guy!

4th November: Introducing Ajax!

Introducing Ajax 3 Introducing Ajax 1 Introducing Ajax 2

Following on from the successful training and placement of Monty, we decided to sponsor another puppy as part of the Dogs for Good puppy partner community scheme.


Dogs for Good is an amazing charity that brings people and dogs together. Helping a child with autism, an adult with disabilities or those with special educational needs, are just some of many areas where Dogs for Good can provide life-changing support.


In September 2021 we received the news that a litter of a golden retriever puppies had been born, one of which would become our new sponsored dog. Promptly, we set about securing name suggestions for the adorable pup from across RSSL, with the only requirement from Dogs for Good being that the name began with the letter ‘a’ – the same as all the other puppies in the litter. To make things a little trickier, we didn’t know whether we’d be matched with a male or female puppy, so we welcomed male, female and gender-neutral name suggestions from our colleagues.


The following month, we discovered that our assigned pup was male, and, after much deliberation, he was named Ajax. Shortly after being given his new name, Ajax headed off to his new temporary home with puppy socialisers John and Ann to begin his training. John and Ann have worked with Dogs for Good for several years and also trained Monty, our previous sponsored puppy, during his first year.


‘We are delighted to continue our involvement with this amazing charity. Having been through this experience a few years ago, we know that it’s hugely rewarding for everyone concerned. Most importantly, we recognise how much comfort these therapy and assistance dogs brings to those facing difficult challenges in life. We’re looking forward to following our puppy’s adventures and watching them grow into a fully trained adult dog capable of bringing joy, support and companionship - values that we actively encourage at RSSL.’

Jacinta George, Managing Director, RSSL.