Problems with taints and off-flavours need to be dealt with rapidly. Consumer confidence, brand reputation and costly product recalls are all at stake. You need to know what the contamination is, and why it is happening as soon as possible. Our experienced analysts are ready to answer these vital questions through our taints testing and analysis service.
Investigating the source and root cause of food taints is complex. Foreign chemical contamination can occur at any point in the global supply chain and at extremely low levels. Off-flavours caused by internal product deterioration are equally challenging to trace. Poor control in food production, insufficient hygiene measures and lack of packaging integrity are all potential suspects.
We use our industry knowledge and technical expertise to delve deeper and arrive at a definitive conclusion. Our experts use specialist techniques to determine which compounds are responsible.
We then work with you to either carry out further taint analysis or take action to determine the root cause and prevent it happening again.
With our proven analytical expertise, you can manage and resolve a range of unexpected food taint issues. These include: